As part of our annual and first-quarter granting cycle, Centre Foundation will distribute $354,000 through 197 grants. These grants will benefit 107 nonprofits serving our community in one of four interest areas: health and social services; education and life-long learning; environmental conservation and awareness; and culture, community, and the arts.
These grants are provided through endowment funds, which continually support the ongoing efforts of local nonprofits. For example, a fund designated to the Tides Program ensures the continuation of supportive programming to children, teens, and families who have lost a loved one; while a fund designated to the State College Choral Society ensures the continuation of major choral presentations in the Centre Region.
Over the course of 2018, three additional rounds of quarterly grants will be distributed, totaling $399,000—bringing the yearly total to over $750,000.
If you are interested in establishing a fund of any type, Centre Foundation is happy to assist you in reaching your philanthropic goals. For more information, please call our office at (814) 237-6229.